we offer convenient ways to connect you with our dermatology team!
office visit
Our office is conveniently located near 159th & Hwy 69 in the Blue Valley Business Center.
7520 W 160th Street
Overland Park, KS 66085Phone: 913-871-8221
Fax: 913-495-5456*Coming March 2025*
12210 W 87th Street Pkwy
Lenexa, KS 66215 -
online visit
Anytime Visits (established patients) $70 - Asynchronous visit (Pictures only)
Accessible 24/7 and responded to within 72 hours
Contact our office to schedule
Virtual Visits (established patients only) Covered by insurance
Need to have active Patient Portal in order to access the "APPatient App"
Contact our office to schedule
easy steps to achieve clear skin for acne, melasma, and rosacea
1. Download the APPatient App
App Store
Google Play
2. Upload pictures and describe your condition
3. Receive your treatment plan and Rx medications